HN’s Horses in Horror-o-thon! Day 3
While you won’t find today’s movie in the horror section at your local video store, the Nazgul riders of “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring” still classify as hella creepy.
I remember the first time I saw a Nazgul rider… the year was 2002 and I was watching the movie alone in my uncomfortable, unnaturally cold, college dorm room. It freaked me out. That bloody messed up hoof freaked. me. out.
I mean, honestly, that is not good hoof care. Considering the miles they put in, the Nazgul should really invest in a better farrier.
The Nazgul riders continue to haunt and horrify throughout the film. Let’s take a look at some of my favorite moments.
Bonus: Arwen’s horse is ah-mazing! Oh just let me do a Working Equitation course amongst this copse of trees while we’re running for our lives.
And so you don’t have Nazgul filled nightmares, here’s a behind the scenes outtake.
…definitely less scary with coordinating umbrellas.
Go Riding!
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