Thursday Morning Feed from Fleeceworks: Century Club
The Dressage Foundation’s Century Club is one of the most iconic clubs to be a member of. In order to be granted membership, a horse and rider pair’s age must cumulatively equal 100 years or older when they compete in a competition.

Marion Julier & Schaeferin (Maryland), #108. Photo by Ayala Pavia from a Dressage Foundation media release.
The pair may perform any test at any show, and there is no qualifying score to become a member of the Century Club. To date, there are 174 members of the Century Club, with 16 horses and riders joining this year alone.
The club’s mission, from its website:
The intent of the Century Club is to encourage senior dressage riders to remain active in the sport. Since its formation (in 1996), the Century Club has grown into a meaningful and popular endeavor for equestrians across the country. This is a wonderful group, not only experienced in horsemanship, bu in various and unique life experiences.

Max Gahwyler & Prinz Eugen (Connecticut), #2. Photo by Terri Miller from a Dressage Foundation media release.
One of the pairs to make the club earlier this year was 72-year-old Larry Campbell and the 28-year-old Dutch Warmblood, Estate. Competing in California, the pair performed First Level Test 1 to qualify for their membership to the Century Club.
I don’t know about you, but these two ride a better looking dressage test than I could, that’s for sure! Here’s a few more members of the Century Club from around the country strutting their stuff:
Judith Fiorentino and Goliath:
Lillian Floyd and Law and Order:
Ginny Wegner and Loki:
OK, this is just the coolest club to be in, we’ve concluded. For those of us who have many goals in mind for the future, be reminded that it is never too late. To see these seasoned veterans performing, whether its in the dressage arena, barrel pattern, cross country course, or any other arena, is a privilege.
Be inspired, Horse Nation! Go Fleeceworks and Go Riding!
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