Happy Thanksgiving from the Horse Nation Team!
What are our writers and artists thankful for this year? Hint: It has an awful lot to do with horses.
Here, I’ll go first:
To start, I’m thankful for the opportunity I’ve been given to be a part of this amazing project called Horse Nation. I’m thankful for everyone who has supported us along the way, including our talented contributors, generous sponsors, and of course Horse Nation’s loyal readers! You guys re-energize me every day with your love and devotion to the common denominator that unites us all: horses.
Your turn!
Karlie Mitchell: I am thankful for my four wonderful geldings. On top of that my boyfriend who makes hay for them and deals with eating supper late due to chores and riding. Let’s not forget about tall boots with zippers because having to get winched out of your tall boots is never fun.
Joy Seymour: Not to sound too sappy, but I am so thankful for my farrier. I’ve had so many farriers over the last 40 years that I can’t even count them. This guy tops them all. He works with me, he works with my vet, he listens. He’s put up with my quirks, and my horses’ quirks. Thank you, Sean!
This is a picture of a handmade shoe for Shelby Cobra, a games pony with an odd foot (coffin bone 1/3 normal size.) With the shoe and pad he stayed sound.
Lila Gendal: I have so much to be thankful for this year that I almost need to sit down and just write a book. But let’s make it simple and start with my top THREE things to be most thankful for: My amazing horses Valonia and Skybreaker who have taught me more than they will ever know and challenge me every single day! The situation I am currently in (i.e. living on a beautiful horse farm, while riding and writing… what more could I ask for). My support team which includes my loving family, my caring boyfriend, the Emersons, and all my friends (you know who you are). This is the time of year to remember, to consider others, and recognize all your good fortunes! Happy Holidays!
Lauren Morris: Above all, I am thankful for my family… human, fur, and feather. We are extremely blessed to have them all at home, which I wouldn’t trade for the world. (Remind me of this when I am breaking ice in the stock tank or thinking of jumping in it in July.) No one takes care of your babies like you do and I am thankful for the opportunity to spoil all of mine this holiday season! There’s no place like home.
Holly Mooney: A few of the horsey blessings I’m thankful for this year are:
1) All of Emmy’s barn “Aunties.” The “it takes a village” anecdote applies to horses too.
2) Equestrians using social media. Denny Emerson’s Tamarack Hill Farm posts on Facebook, Jimmie and Dom Schramm’s Evention, and of course Eventing Nation and Horse Nation bring us closer as a community.
3) And finally, I’m grateful that Emmy doesn’t mind taking the long spot when I mess up.
Erin McCabe: Just over three years ago, I was living in a tiny (560 square foot) studio in a crime-ridden Bay Area downtown. I am so very thankful that now every morning I wake up and this…
is the view out my bedroom window. And this…
is how I’m greeted every morning. I am so thankful to have my horses at home and part of the family. (Just remind me of that next time I’m fixing broken pipes and gates, and cursing whichever horse broke into the hay stall…)
Melanie Eberhardt: Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Family, friends and food–it’s a simple holiday. No costumes, no gifts, no decorating, it’s just about spending time with the people that make you happy and eating great food. That’s exactly what I plan to do, plus ride my horse four days in a row! Happy Thanksgiving Horse Nation!
Biz Stamm: I was trying to think of how to be sarcastic and witty about this post, but I have so much to actually be thankful for that I’m going to be serious and leave the wit to Pi.
I am thankful for $300 Craigslist finds that turn out to be a horse of a lifetime.
I am thankful for my husband who accepts this horse as not only a pet, but as a member of the family…
… and I am thankful for my parents who have provided support in just about every sense of the word throughout my life and given me the strength to pursue a career I love.
Pi (HN’s resident bunny blogger): I am thankful for my parent’s addiction to online shopping that provides me with a constant supply of boxes.
I am thankful to have a smart friend with whom to conspire…
… and a goofy one who laughs at my my jokes.
Lastly, I am thankful for my mind control powers that allow me to force the humans to pet me on command, buy me ridiculous accessories, and not yell at me even when I’ve been really naughty.
Happy Thanksgiving, and Go Riding!