Afternoon Escape: A hack across the British countryside
Live vicariously through Alex Eccles and her horse Pigeon as they enjoy a romp around beautiful Oxfordshire.
From Alex:
We have finally had some good weather in the UK, so Pigeon and I have taken advantage of a recently harvested barley field. Pigeon loves to get out for gallops and always comes back a little fitter and a lot more relaxed in body and mind.
A sunset hack around the lake on a stormy autumn evening. Luckily the rain waited until we got back to the yard and the wildlife was out in force.
This time we headed out to the set-aside fields and the Isis branch of the River Thames where there was a couple of narrow-boats to have a nose at!
A more leisurely hack this time! Taking the scenic route under the railway to the local village and an alternative route over the railway back to the yard. What a lovely autumn day it was–so proud of myself for not stopping at the pub!
One of my favourite hacks–especially when the sun is shining and you get that pretty dappled light through the trees. Around the woods with Pigeon choosing a longer route we had not taken before.
And one more breathtaking gallop–watch Pigeon’s ears!
What a ride. A big thanks to Alex for sharing! Alex and Pigeon have many more helmet cam videos, including several fun cross-country rides, posted on their YouTube channel, “A Horse Named Pigeon”–you can check them all out here.
Go Riding!
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