What’s Your Falling Off Style?: NickerDoodle quiz reveal!
Last week, hundreds of HN readers took this quiz to determine their “falling off style.” The results are in, and survey says…
It was a pretty even split!
34% of readers say their falling off style resembles that of a TENNIS BALL (a.k.a. you bounce!)
37% say they they can relate to a TV REMOTE (a.k.a. you get dropped and maybe the batteries fall out, but a little duct tape and you’re good to go!)
29% describe themselves as an EGG (a.k.a. you don’t fall, you splat!!!)
Melanie writes:
Thank you people of Horse Nation for sharing stories of your own horse falls–your words are a comfort and remind me that horse falls happen to us all–and after a short respite, we simply mount up and move on! Energized by your spirit of hope, and because I’m still sitting on the couch instead of my saddle, I had time last week to come up with something that will save all of us from ever falling off a horse again.
If anyone has a good idea for a product name, please submit. The best name will receive a free prototype (and my prayers).
Go Ride–Don’t Fall Off!
About Melanie:
I am an artist in Atlanta. When I’m not painting, I’m riding horses. I have 3 retired Arabians and a snotty pony at home. They keep me on my toes. Three years ago I bought a young OTTB straight off the track. My new fella, Bubba, and I are learning dressage. Sadly, I’m the weak link on Team Bubba, but I learn something every time we ride so it’s all good. I started NickerDoodles to document the horsey antics that abound within my world. I’m very fortunate to balance my life with things that I love – painting and riding – and NickerDoodles gives me a forum to share. If we’re not laughing at our horses and ourselves, we’re probably crying. I prefer to laugh! I hope everyone enjoys NickerDoodles.
Please visit my central website: melanieeberhardt.com
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