The Secret Life of McKenna: Show jumping is hard

HN junior blogger McKenna Oxenden’s weak phase bit her in the bum at Fair Hill last weekend. But instead of getting frustrated, McKenna got determined.

From McKenna:

You know that song, “Teach Me How to Dougie”? I think I need to re make it with “Teach me how to show jump, teach me, teach me how to show jump…”

As previously stated, I’m back this week with a Fair Hill rundown.

Jumping right into it, my dressage test was mediocre. Honestly, I wasn’t really expecting much. It was our first time “away from home” together and it was our first time in the ring together, not to mention she’s still a bit green so I was striving to do my best and not setting expectations! I found out that she needs a bit more warmup time, especially so she can have some “chill time” to get used to the surroundings and atmosphere. I believe we scored around a 41 which I was fairly happy with.

Onto the jumping phase.

I had an AWESOME show jump warmup. I was totally on my A-Game, ready to rock and roll!

And then I got in the ring……..

I’m not sure what it is, but a switch flips and I turn into a totally different rider. There’s not one particular thing that I freak out about, it’s just kind of like I freeze and literally forget how to ride. Ironically though, it only happens in show jumping and not cross country. To give you an idea, Emily said that if she didn’t know me as a rider, and Gigi as a horse, she would have thought it might have been mostly “green horse moments” mixed with some rider error, but alas it’s not true as it was all MY fault!

So needless to say, show jumping was not what I pictured at all. But you love and you learn, right?

So for the time being, I have no fall event plans. I am going to dedicate everything towards improving my show jumping and getting the evil monkey off my back!! I’m going to be spending lots of time at some jumper shows, just practicing being in the ring and chilling out.

Hopefully it won’t take too long for the switch to go off, that show jumping is not scary!! 🙂

In other news, I am happy to announce that I am boarding at a lovely new facility, Ivy Creek Stables, owned and operated by Royce Evans, who has evented up through preliminary but decided to switch to jumper land where she spends most of her time now! Also, don’t forget Dorito is for sale and he is going to make some little girl (boy?) VERY happy. Please pass on the word and if you are interested, you can contact me at and I can give you more details and such.

See ya on the flip side Horse Nation!

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