Oh $h!t: Your most humiliating moments, captured on film

This week’s “Oh $h!t” moment is brought to us by reader Courtney Motylinski. The scene of the crime is a first-ever cross-country school with her 5 year old Swedish Warmblood.

Courtney sends the following explanation:

“He had only been jumping for about three months at this time and was generally a very confident and brave jumper. Turns out, I had a MUCH different horse outside of the ring.”

The first picture is of his temper tantrum he threw at being asked to leave the group--his idea was a rear and spin move, to which I promptly said no.

The second picture is of him jumping the BN coop... he's sooo cute! but he was being pretty wild, and I will admit I was getting bounced around quite a bit up there!

The third picture is of him ripping the reins out of my hands upon landing. I am sure he was protesting the death grip I had on his face, and planning how to let me know just how displeased he was with my riding.

The fourth picture is his execution of operation "get rid of this lady." I didn't even have a chance, as you can see my body still thinks I am sitting on my horse--can you say lawn dart!!

The fifth picture, I like to call "thank god for my Charles Owen" despite a giant grass stain where my head hit and being horrifically sore in my neck and back for months after this fall, I sustained no head injury/concussion whatsoever.

She concludes, “It was a wild time that day. I couldn’t get back on, but my trainer did, and he took everything like a trooper. Someday, he will be a cross country machine!!”

Thank you so much, Courtney, for sharing your horrifying cross-country experience. We love your spirit, and we think your green-bean has a bright future ahead of him as a event horse–look at him cracking that back! Growing pains can be a pain in the neck (literally!) but all that hard work and perseverance will pay off tenfold in the end.

As is tradition, let us now commemorate your moment with a special song, Delilah-style. Courtney, this one goes out to you:

Do you have an “Oh $h!t” moment you’d like to share with Horse Nation? Email it to wylie@horsenation.com.

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