BOOM!! (That was my head exploding)
Introducing Horse Lovers Camera: a brand-new iPhone app that allows you to superimpose adorable horse pictures on whatever you want.
From the makers of Cat Lovers Camera, Dog Lovers Camera and Creepy Critter Camera (you can cover a picture of your worst enemy in spiders and worms!) comes a new app call Horse Lovers Camera. It was created by a boutique app company called Milk Drinking Cow, and it has blown our mind.
Basically, you just (1) choose your favorite horse picture from the app’s selection, (2) take a picture and (3) re-size and tilt the horse to fit.
The basic app is free, but if you want to go crazy and upgrade you get 49 extra horses to choose from and the options to load existing photos from you picture library and put multiple photos into one picture.
We tested it out around the house:

Hey! There's a horse in the fridge! (Yes, the only contents in my fridge are carrots and alcohol--don't judge.)
So yeah, basically that’s what we’ve been doing all day around here at Horse Nation headquarters. Download the app yourself from iTunes and email your own hilarious pictures to
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