Total Saddle Fit Sunday Video: World Cup Split
Beezie Madden and Breitling LS currently hold the lead going into the final day of the FEI World Cup in show jumping — watch the split screen from Friday’s jump-off for an idea of how close the competition really is!
The USA’s own Beezie Madden and Breitling LS are holding on to the lead after winning the first two rounds of jumping in the FEI World Cup, held in Paris, France. In Madden’s own words, they’re only about halfway through, with two more rounds to go on Sunday, but if they hold to form, this pair appears to be the favorite to win.
Of course, the rest of the competition are no slouches — watch just how close it was in Friday night’s jump-off round in this unique split screen. Madden and Breitling LS are on the left, while the Netherlands’ Harrie Smolders and Emerald are on the right.
Split Screen | Beezie Madden vs Harrie Smolders – FEI World Cup Finals Paris 2018
???????? Beezie Madden / John Madden Sales, Inc and Breitling LS sit on zero faults heading into Sunday's FEI Jumping World Cup Final after winning again today with a blazing fast jump-off against The Netherlands' Harrie Smolders! #USAJumping
Posted by US Equestrian on Friday, April 13, 2018
Every hundredth of a second counts!
Follow the FEI World Cup show jumping via the FEI website. Go riding!
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