Choosing the Best Halter For Your Horse
The halter is perhaps the most basic piece of equipment for working with horses, but what kind is best for you?
The halter is one of the most basic and necessary pieces of equipment when working with horses. There are many different types of halters available, and it’s up to the individual to determine which type is best for their own situation. Here’s a brief look at the various types of halters on the market.
Leather Halters
Usually preferred for turnout and shipping due to the fact that the leather straps will break quite easily as a safety feature, preventing the horse from getting stuck. Broken parts can still be repaired quite easily in the hands of a skilled expert. Leather halters are available in different qualities and you will have to be the judge when deciding upon one which has a good tensile strength and can withstand the weight and the pull of a horse.
Breakaway Halters
Typically made of nylon with a leather crown piece. Breakaway halters are a good option for turnout, again due to the fact that the halter can break really easily if it catches on to an object and therefore prevent the horse from getting stuck. Replacement parts are easy to find and the halter can be repaired rather inexpensively.
Nylon Halters
Fashioned out of webbing made of nylon this halters are tough and durable; however, this durability can also be a huge downside if the webbing gets caught in an object and cause injury to the horse. Nylon halters are easy to clean and maintain.
Rope Halters
Crafted out of nylon rope, this type of halter is usually preferred for ground work. They require a correct technique to properly tie the halter around the horse’s neck. These halters do not have a breakaway option right out of the package and are not the safest option for turnout.
Shipping Halters
Designed for trailering and made of either nylon or leather, these types of halters include fleece or sheepskin to prevent halter rubs during hours of use.
Grooming Halters
Strictly to be used for grooming and nothing else, as these halters do not include a throatlatch.
These are some of the different types of halters on the market. Many people making the mistake of buying a one size fits all halter — when purchasing a halter make sure that you are buying a halter specifically sized for your horse for best performance.
Tris Vaughan has been writing and taking care of horses for as long as she can remember. She is a farm girl from Fulton, Missouri who now works full time on a ranch and enjoys writing in her spare time.
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