Thursday Video: Trail Obstacle Course is Smooth as Silk
Open the gate, walk the bridge, jump the sofa… Jump the SOFA?!
Watch Kelly Marks of Intelligent Horsemanship make short work of a TREC obstacle demo with her trusty partner, The Pie: (Note: must be logged into Facebook to view this video)
They make it look so easy!
TREC, also known as “Le TREC,” is a three-phase sport that tests the skills and confidence of horses and their handlers over various terrains and obstacles. Like extreme trail challenges and versatility ranch horse competitions, TREC (short for “Techniques de Rondonee Equestre de Competition”) participants are judged on the successful completion of obstacles, though part of what makes TREC unique among trail competitions is that riders also compete in two other phases of orienteering (planning and navigating their route) and controlling the paces (demonstrating the horses’ obedience in certain gaits in a designated area, similar to the dressage phase in eventing)
Riders and teams are not eliminated for failure to perform parts of the competition; they instead receive lower scores. This makes TREC a novice-friendly event that horses and riders of many levels can enjoy.
For more information on Kelly Marks and her work with internationally-renowned trainer and clinician Monty Roberts, visit the Intelligent Horsemanship website.
Go riding!
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