25 Reader-Submitted Mare Glares: Open Division
With over 100 entries for our Mare Glare Challenge, we decided to split the class … for everyone’s safety. Here’s round one, the Open Division.
This week’s 24-hour photo challenge received an overwhelming response of outrageous mare glares from every corner of Horse Nation. There were just too many good ones to pass up, so we decided to split the class and create a few special divisions in addition to the Open Mare Glare. Don’t miss the Best of Show collection yet to come!

Susie Miller Ward: “Mary has the mare glare down pat! She thinks she’s the only one worthy of being petted.”

Max Rooke: “After spending most of her life as a show horse in limited, single turn out, Rainy pony has finally learned to be a mare”
Horse Nation wants to see a #mareglare? This lovely lady may be named Pretty, but don’t get on her bad side if you want her to STAY pretty… #horsenation A photo posted by Katie Livingood (@kklivingood) on

Christy Castle: “Josie is NOT a fan of my yearling filly. In any way shape or form.
The only thing she hates worse is pictures haha”

Summer D. Thurber: “My sweet girl Village Lady. Flat ears, wrinkled nose, and even whites of her eyes showing. That’s a serious glare right there!”
Keep an eye out every Tuesday for our 24-hour photo challenges! We announce via Facebook and Instagram (@thehorsenation) so make sure you’re following both.
Go riding!
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