HN Halloween 2014: The 25 Best Reader-Submitted Costumes
All October you’ve been submitting your horsey Halloween costumes to our Instagram and on the forum. Here are the top 25. Happy Halloween, Horse Nation!
#HNHalloween A photo posted by Patrick schaaf (@patricktheminihorse) on
From forum contributor Firenze23: “Brando in his FIRST class at his FIRST show ever. Tell me who’s really the angel and who’s really the devil!”
Back like 2 halloweens ago when me and boo were a lion and a lion tamer #HNHalloween #horsenation #horse #boo #lion #costumeclass A photo posted by Ally (@ally_carrier) on
From forum contributor Webcutey: “SUPER MULE!!!”
Apple pie and I dress up every year. I couldn’t pick one, I have a few more that aren’t pictured:) #horsenation #HNhalloween A photo posted by Courtney Earnhart (@serenitys_secret) on
From forum contributor CFJSmith: “My daughter Hailey (7 Years old) and our old POA Katie (24ish?) as Cruella Deville and her Dalmatian. She enjoyed every minute of this from her wig to the eyebrows and to painting her pony into a Dalmatian, including braiding her tail to look like a puppy dog’s tail. Katie just stood there as if she was thinking yup she’s just my horse crazy rider.”
One of my fav Halloween costumes, we went thru 4 boxes of bandages and a gallon of fake blood between the 2 of us. #horsenation #hnhalloween A photo posted by Kelli Martin (@ottbluver) on
From forum contributor Kellyhanson: “We went with the Finding Nemo theme this year.”
#tb to glittering Franko A photo posted by Paige Labuda (@paigelabuda) on
From forum contributor Liz: “I had some fun with the clippers this year and made him a cutie mark. A little hair chalk and an old cowboy hat and I have a bonafide Apple Jack from My Little Pony!”
In honor of the upcoming Halloween I thought I’d share Star and I in our Halloween costume from last year: rock, paper, scissors!! A photo posted by Mal (@letsdanceagain) on
From forum contributor TCKcrystal: “My Little Pony. We were Megan and Sundance.”
Couple of beach bums. #l #HNHalloween A photo posted by Anna (@brodoswaggins1) on
Spider victim Twist! Look at that neck! This is why I love Arabians! #horse #horsenation #horseincostume #halter #Spider #spidervictim #arabian #arab #arabianhorse A photo posted by Leah Mueller (@myhorsetwist) on
#horsenation A photo posted by beth bazzle (@bbazzle_) on
Happy Halloween! Go riding!
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