‘Oh Crap’ Monday Classics: Prepare for Lift-Off
Sing it with us now: “I believe I can fly…”
Monday is already the crappiest day of the week, so it only makes sense that we make things official. Here’s a classic “oh crap” moment, throwing it back to May of 2014.
California eventer Katie Murphy sent it our way with the note, “I thought I’d share this picture of me and my 7-year-old Oldenburg mare, Ceara. This is at Galway Downs in California back in January — she was pretty sure the log had trolls living under it! We managed to stay united on landing, but I sure was grateful for my grab strap!”
Or, as we like to call it here at Horse Nation, the…
Katie Murphy, we salute you. That is one heck of a scopey mare, and you are one heck of a rider. Together, you will go far. Go Riding!
Have an ‘Oh Crap’ moment to share? Horse Nation loves to honor its fallen soldiers. Email your photo/video and a brief explanation of what is going down to kristen@nationmediallc.com! Instagram users, tag your moments with #OhCrapHN (your photos need to be set to public or we won’t see them!)
Go forth and tackle your Monday, Horse Nation. Go Riding!
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