Through the Lens: Elena Maas
Earlier this year we interviewed New Jersey-based equestrian enthusiast and artist/graphic designer Elena Maas about her work. She recently sent us this update.
From Elena:
Hi Horse Nation,
Last time you read about me, I was about to compete in the 26-mile Cheshire CTR (Competitive Trail Ride). Well, I can tell you that Moose and I completed the ride very successfully. I finally got the ribbon I had hoped for. No, I’m not just doing this sport for the ribbons but it was nice to know that hard training had paid off and Moose did well.
Also, the last time you read about me, I was sent a questionnaire by one of the Horse Nation editors that I answered and you saw a few of my designs and equine photographs. I’m a self-taught equine photographer who was presented with the chance of getting to know a professional equine photographer. This pro has been critiquing my work and she has been giving me good advice on lighting, exposure, and composition, which I’m very thankful for because it will only bring me further in this still new, but very exciting endeavor.
Recently, I have been going to local horse shows to just get some different horses in different surroundings. Thankfully, the Horse Park of New Jersey is not too far from me and they have shows almost every weekend.
At the last little photo shoot I set up, I was told “You take pictures of weird things,” and I took that as a compliment. That means I see something in a subject that other people might not see; for instance old horseshoes…
…or simply a pair of stirrups.
Yes, the little things interest me and the closer I can get to a hoof, an unusual marking, or just a big pair of nostrils, the better. Those small but very significant details contribute to each horse’s uniqueness and those are the features I like to capture.
From October on, I will have to find new grounds to shoot these beautiful animals because I will be moving from Mount Laurel, New Jersey, to Atlanta, Georgia. Hopefully, I will be able to find horsey and endurance people down there. Also, I will be one step closer to fulfilling my dream of having my own horses in my backyard one day.
Learn more about Elena’s work at or, and “like” her page on Facebook here.
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